


















9.请简要分析莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》中主人公哈姆雷特的主要性格特征。 答:哈姆雷特是一个人文主义知识分子的典型,在为父报仇过程中优柔寡断,由于复仇任务的艰巨和自身力量的不足,同时















(参考答案:哈姆雷特为父复仇是主线,雷欧提斯和小福丁布拉斯的复仇是副线 。三条线既互相联系,又彼此衬托。)

2、 莎士比亚刻画人物性格善于把人物放在内外两重冲突中,通过对人物内心矛盾冲突的描写来揭示人物的深度。哈姆雷特心中主要有哪些冲突?


3、 奥菲利亚为何会变得精神失常以至于溺水而死呢?她的死造成了怎样的结果?












3、请简述《哈姆雷特》中哈姆雷特的“疯”与奥菲利娅的“疯”有何不同。 (参考答案:哈姆雷特的“疯”是半真半假,一方面是因为父死母嫁,家庭生活的变化给予他太多的打击,内心难以承受;另一方面是因为时时要提防叔父的加害,要实现复仇的理想。奥菲利娅的“疯”是真疯,因为父亲死了,心爱的人又远离。)





(参考答案:“脆弱啊,你的名字就是女人!” 这是哈姆雷特对母亲在厄运面前表现出的屈从的揶揄,涵盖了女性在命运面前常常表现出的性格弱点,这成为大多数人对女性的共识。

或:“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题” 这是哈姆雷特对生死的严肃的思考,是对默默忍受命运还是奋然反抗命运的痛苦抉择。这也是一个具有深广人生意义的命题。

或:“人类是一件多么了不得的杰作!” 这是哈姆雷特对人的礼赞,是莎士比亚借哈姆雷特之口说出了自己的内心感慨,反映了莎士比亚赋予《哈姆雷特》这部戏剧的人文主义内涵,成为人文主义的经典宣言。)











The of Hamlet is of Denmark, son of deceased and his wife, .

The story opens on a chilly night at , the Danish royal castle. Francisco, one of the sentinels, is relieved of his watch by Bernardo, another sentinel, and exits while Bernardo remains. A third sentinel, Marcellus, enters with , Hamlet's best friend. The inform Horatio that they have seen a ghost that looks like the dead King Hamlet. After hearing from Horatio of the Ghost's appearance, Hamlet resolves to see the Ghost himself. That night, the Ghost appears again. It leads Hamlet to a secluded place, claims that it is the actual spirit of his father, and discloses that he—the elder Hamlet—was murdered by Claudius' pouring in his ear. The Ghost demands that Hamlet avenge him; Hamlet agrees, swears his companions to secrecy, and tells them he intends to "put an antic disposition on" (presumably to avert suspicion). Hamlet initially attests to the ghost's reliability, calling him both an "honest ghost" and "truepenny." Later, however, he expresses doubts about the ghost's nature and intent, claiming these as reasons for his inaction. is Claudius' trusted chief counsellor; 's son, , is returning to France, and 's daughter, , is courted by Hamlet. Both Polonius and Laertes warn Ophelia that Hamlet is surely not serious about her. Shortly afterward, Ophelia is alarmed by Hamlet's strange behaviour, reporting to her father that Hamlet rushed into her room, stared at her, and said nothing. Polonius assumes that the "ecstasy of love" is responsible for Hamlet's "mad" behavior, and he informs Claudius and Gertrude.

Perturbed by Hamlet's continuing deep mourning for his father and his increasingly erratic behavior, Claudius sends for two of Hamlet's acquaintances——to find out the cause of Hamlet's changed behavior. Hamlet greets his friends warmly but quickly discerns that they have been sent to spy on him.

Together, Claudius and Polonius convince Ophelia to speak with Hamlet while they secretly listen. When Hamlet enters, she offers to return his remembrances, upon which Hamlet questions her honesty and furiously rants at her to "get thee to a nunnery."

The "gravedigger scene" (Artist: 1839)

Hamlet remains uncertain whether the Ghost has told him the truth, but the arrival of a troupe of actors at Elsinore presents him with a solution. He will have them stage a play, The Murder of Gonzago, re-enacting his father's murder and determine Claudius's guilt or innocence by studying his reaction to it. The court assembles to watch the play; Hamlet provides an agitated running commentary throughout. When the murder scene is presented, Claudius abruptly rises and leaves the room, which Hamlet sees as proof of his uncle's guilt.

Gertrude summons Hamlet to her closet to demand an explanation. On his way, Hamlet passes Claudius in prayer, but hesitates to kill him, reasoning that death in prayer would send him to heaven. However, it is revealed that the King is not truly praying, remarking that "words" never made it to heaven without "thoughts." An argument erupts between Hamlet and Gertrude. Polonius, spying on the scene from behind an arras and convinced that the prince's madness is indeed real, panics when it seems as if Hamlet is about to murder the Queen and cries out for help. Hamlet, believing it is Claudius hiding behind the , stabs wildly through the cloth, killing Polonius. When he realizes that he has killed Ophelia's father, he is not remorseful, but calls Polonius "Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool." The Ghost appears, urging Hamlet to treat Gertrude gently, but reminding him to kill Claudius. Unable to see or hear the Ghost herself, Gertrude takes Hamlet's conversation with it as further evidence of madness.

Claudius, now fearing for his life, finds a legitimate excuse to get rid of the prince: he sends Hamlet to England on a diplomatic pretext, accompanied (and closely watched) by Rosencrantz and

Guildenstern. Alone, Claudius discloses that he is actually sending Hamlet to his death. Prior to embarking for England, Hamlet hides Polonius's body, ultimately revealing its location to the King. Upon leaving Elsinore, Hamlet encounters the army of Prince Fortinbras en route to do battle in Poland. Upon witnessing so many men going to their death on the brash whim of an impulsive prince, Hamlet declares, "O, from this time forth, / My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!" At Elsinore, further demented by grief at her father Polonius's death, Ophelia wanders the castle, acting erratically and singing songs. Her brother, Laertes, returns from France, horrified by his father's death and his sister's madness. She appears briefly to give out herbs and flowers. Claudius convinces Laertes that Hamlet is solely responsible; then news arrives that Hamlet is still alive—a story is spread that his ship was attacked by on the way to England, and he has returned to Denmark. Claudius swiftly concocts a plot to kill his nephew but make it appear to be an accident, taking all of the blame off his shoulders. Knowing of Hamlet's jealousy of Laertes' prowess with a sword, he proposes a match between the two. Laertes, enraged at the murder of his father, informs the king that he will further poison the tip of his sword so that a mere scratch would mean certain death. Claudius, unsure that capable Hamlet could receive even a scratch, plans to offer Hamlet poisoned wine if that fails. Gertrude enters to report that Ophelia has drowned. Hamlet avenged his father by killing his uncle (Artist: date unknown)

In the Elsinore churchyard, two , typically represented as "gravediggers," enter to prepare Ophelia's grave, and, although the coroner has ruled her death accidental so that she may receive Christian burial, they argue about its being a case of . Hamlet arrives with Horatio and banters with one of them, who unearths the skull of a whom Hamlet once knew, ("Alas, Poor Yorick; I knew him, Horatio."). Ophelia's funeral procession approaches, led by her mournful brother Laertes. Distraught at the lack of ceremony (due to the actually-deemed suicide) and overcome by emotion, Laertes leaps into the grave, cursing Hamlet as the cause of her death. Hamlet interrupts, professing his own love and grief for Ophelia. He and Laertes grapple, but the fight is broken up by Claudius and Gertrude. Claudius reminds Laertes of the planned fencing match.

Later that day, Hamlet tells Horatio how he escaped death on his journey, disclosing that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have been sent to their deaths instead. A courtier, , interrupts to invite Hamlet to fence with Laertes. Despite Horatio's warnings, Hamlet accepts and the match begins. After several rounds, Gertrude toasts Haml



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