代替造句(共5篇)造句的要求快乐十分钟仔细看图,再写上一段话。写话要求:1 题目写在第一行格子正中间。2开头空两格,标点符号独立占格。3 把字写满格、写工整,不会写的字用拼音代替。4 用准词语,写通句子。短语造句Phr










Phrases and expressions

1. a great/good many 很多

A great many people love music. ·come along 出现 到达 The bus quickly comes along. ·dwell on 谈或想得太多

Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. ·hand in hand 手拉手地

I walk with my father hand in hand. ·have something at heart 对…深切关心 He has her health at heart. ·in contrast 与…形成对比(相反) In contrast to her, I’m happy. ·of one’s choice 中意的

She married Jack, the man of her choice. ·set aside 节约(保留)…

I want to set aside some time to reading. ·be apt to 常会 容易 He was apt to late.

·be prone to 易于(不好的事) He was prone to late. ·cheer up (使)高兴起来 I cheer up at the good news. ·in a… light 从…的角度(观点)

We should see the problem in a new light. ·in the grip of 受…控制 The action is in the grip of law. ·in the meantime 与此同时

He will come here, in the meantime try to relax. ·run for 竞选

He wants to run for president. ·hold someone back 阻止某人 I can’t hold him back for his leave.

·in a… mood 处于…心情 I’m in a sad mood. ·in part 部分地

I’m late, in part because of a traffic jam. ·keep track of 了解…的情况 He will keep track of the mistakes. ·reach out for 急切地寻求 I’m reaching out for help. ·take credit 接受荣誉 I can’t take any credit.


2.at the (very) thought 一想到某事

She was sad at the thought. ·choose to 情愿 决定 I choose to go shopping.

·escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的注意 Nothing important can escape her notice. ·jump to one’s feet 突然站起 He jumped to his feet. ·now and again 时而 偶尔 He would be late now and again. ·rest assured (that) 请放心

You should rest assured that everything will be ok. ·set off 出发 启程

We will set off the next morning. ·slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地

We are slowly but surely preparing the meeting. ·be consumed with/by 不断受折磨 He was consumed with guilt. ·cast a spell on/over 施魔法 She’ll cast a spell on you. ·in place of 代替

I want a red one in place of the blue. ·put an end to something 结束(某事)

The solution could put an end to the agreement. ·adept at 擅长于… She’s adept at swimming. ·at will 随心所欲

We can do everything at will. ·be greeted with/by 受到…对待 The news was greeted with cheering. ·behave oneself 表现得体 We should behave ourselves.

·condemn someone to death 判处某人死刑 The prisoner was condemned to death. ·conform to 遵守

We must to conform to school rules. ·hand(something/someone) over 交出 移交 You can hand your answer over. ·of one’s own accord 出于自愿地 They give the choice of their own accord. ·take revenge on someone 报复 She took her revenge on social. ·with certainty 确定无疑地

I know with certainty that he will come back.

3. after all 毕竟

I can’t know everything after all. ·all too often 屡次三番 He was late all too often. ·cope with 对付 处理

She could cope with the trouble well. ·doze off 打瞌睡

I often doze off at my desk. ·in case of… 在…情况下 In case of fire, open the door.

·in the long run 从长远来看 In the long run, this is a good way. ·look (up) on… as… 看待 看作 I look on you as a good friend. ·on a daily basis 以每天计算 They will be here on a daily basis. ·take… into consideration 考虑某事 We can’t take everything into consideration. ·work out 想出

Jack worked out a new plan. ·come on 得了吧 来吧 Come on, you can do it. ·let go of 松开 放开 Don’t let go of your hands. ·all at once 突然

He appears all at once. ·catch sight of


I didn’t catch sight of the mistake. ·hang on to 紧紧抓住 保留

It’s meaningful to hang on to old photos. ·in place 在适合的位置 到位 I have got all lights in place. ·in the presence of 当着某人 She cried in the presence of us. ·kill time 消磨时间 It’s kill time to stay at here. ·rip off 偷

Someone ripped off my bike. ·trip (someone) up 绊倒 He was tripped up by stone.

4. at stake 濒于险境

The sharks will be at stake. ·every so often 有时 偶尔

He will be late every so often. ·in case 以防万一

Bring the clothes, in case clod. ·resort to 求助于某事物

We can resort to police when in trouble. ·seize (up) on 把握 抓住

He always can seize up on the opportunity. ·take inventory of 对…进行评估

It’s time to take inventory of the situation. ·take stock of 对…进行评估(鉴定) It’s time to take stock of the situation. ·wishful thinking 痴心妄想 It’s just wishful thinking.

·meet with 会见 We will meet with. ·on the spot 立即 当场 He left on the spot.

·weigh… against… 比较 权衡

We have to weigh the costs against the benefits. ·come into being 开始形成 成立 The company will come into being. ·figure out 弄明白 I can’t figure out it. ·in nature 在本质上 It’s false in nature. ·straighten out 解决某问题 You can straighten out the problem. ·try out 尝试 试用

You can try out a new dress style. ·work on 致力于 She’s working on education.

5. at the first/earliest opportunity 尽快

He will come here at the first opportunity. ·give birth to 使出现(诞生)

The film gave birth to a TV show. ·in time 迟早 最终

You will leave in time. ·live over 回味 重温

I like to live over my childhood.

·long (for someone)to do something 渴望 盼望 She longed to see him again. ·prey (up) on 折磨 使苦恼 The problem preyed up on my mind. ·shut someone/something in 将…关在里面 We always shut the hens in at night. ·sweep away 清除掉 A smile swept all his anger away. ·the close of 结束 末尾www.shanpow.com_代替造句。

She will go home at the close of the day. ·to and fro 来来往往

Someone was walking to and fro outside. ·get in the way of 妨碍 阻碍

The trouble gets in the way of my studies. ·offend the/one’s eye/ear 刺眼 刺耳 This music offends my ears. ·sort… into… 将…分类 整理 Let’s sort all the clothes.

·sort out 整理

Let’s sort out all the clothes. ·take… for… 把…误认为… He is often taken for a foreigner.

·there is no point (in)doing something 没意义 There is no point in arguing for money. ·amount to 等于 相当于www.shanpow.com_代替造句。

The place amounts to two playgrounds. ·compete for 为…而竞争 We compete for the success. ·in honour of 为纪念…

The dinner was held in honour of you. ·in the course of 在...过程中

They were happy in the course of the conversation. ·leave... behind 超过 将...抛在脑后 She was leaving some runners behind. ·as it is 事实上 As it is they are right. ·care for 关心

I don’t care for the argument.

·find expression(in something) 在..中表达出来 His wisdom found expression in words. ·in itself 本身 The talk was right in itself. ·turn to 求助于

We can turn to friends for help. ·warn off 告诫...离开 He warned me off yesterday. ·armed with... 配备

The room is armed with air conditioning. ·stand by 坚持 遵守 I stand by what I said. ·take... to court 把...告上法庭 She will take her husband to court. ·adapt to 适应

We should adapt to the change. ·based on 以...为基础

The figures are based on market prices. ·head up 领导 带领

He was asked to head up the team.

·in response to 作为对...的回应 She smiled in response to his help.

·lend/give/offer... a (helping)hand 提供帮助 I’d be glad to lend a helping hand. ·on the job 作为工作的一部分 Today’s my first day on the job. ·seek out 找出

I can’t seek out the mistake.

·sniff out 嗅出 闻出

A dog sniffed out the explosives. ·speaking of 说到...

I promise that don’t speaking of secret. ·take... in 接纳 吸收 She will take in the change. ·track down 找到 捕获

I try to track down my old friends.


  【代替解释】:1.交替,轮流。 2.取代。以下是小编收集整理关于该词的近义词以及造句,希望对你有用!


  取代 庖代 代庖


  (1) 放弃一个事物,首先要找到另一个事物代替。

  (2) 书籍的使命是帮助人们认识生活,而不是代替思想对生活的认识。

  (3) .如果男人可以代替女人来大姨妈、痛经、怀孕、堕胎、流产、难产、破腹产、大出血、喂奶、身材走样、担心背叛,我很愿意为男人买房,照顾他一辈子!

  (4) 望远镜可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。

  (5) 上天让我们习惯平常的事物,就是用它来代替幸福.

  (6) 再好的教科书也代替不了教师本人的思想和卓识。

  (7) 今天,人们的生活起了翻天覆地的变化,高楼大厦代替了昔日的茅屋草棚。

  (8) 资本主义必不可免地要为新的社会制度所代替,这种制度将实行计划经济。www.shanpow.com_代替造句。

  (9) 孝敬父母经常可以代替最高贵的感情。

  (10) 运动能代替药物,药物不能代替运动。运动血脉畅通,增强器官功能,生理功能平衡,防治一切疾病。

  (11) 批判的武器不能代替武器的批判。

  (12) 好的父母守望孩子,让孩子自己主动成长;坏的父母代替孩子做事,让孩子被动成长。





  【拼音】qǔ ér dài zhī







  1) 北方集团势力战胜攻取,我们要取而代之,恐怕不易。

  2) 取而代之的是,他们对严格的主要目标制度低眉顺眼,这有意无意的鼓励警察们突击逮捕一些无名无姓的犯人来充数而不是努力让他管辖的地段更加的安全。

  3) 天真的我一去不复返,取而代之的是对权力的渴望,这笔交易我心甘情愿。

  4) 日复一日,热烈不再,取而代之的是平淡无奇。

  5) 如果哪天科学无赖,阴谋家,吝啬鬼和狂热分子取而代之,人类将面临暗无天日的世界。

  6) 取而代之的是,我们希望观众能够对故事有一种切肤之痛,并能对我们讲述的故事有身临其境的感觉。

  7) 如今取而代之是一个不那么冠冕堂皇的名称,气候工程学,这听起来似乎更可行。

  8) 从我知道原因的那时起,我已非复吴下阿蒙了,取而代之的是一位体谅父母孝敬父母的我;在饭桌上亦看不到以前那个狼吞虎咽的孩子了,而多了一个像爸爸一样吃饭超慢孩子。我要感谢爸爸,是他让我真正懂得了什么是“爱”。

  9) 薄雾散了,取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭。

  10) 她被人踢掉了,取而代之的是一个能够赢得选举的领导人物。

  11) 他不过是个应名儿领导,他的副手实际上已取而代之.

  12) 惊心动魄后的小村庄没有了往日的安详和宁静,取而代之的是满目的疮痍和毫无生气的哀号。

www.shanpow.com_代替造句。   13) 由于长寿经济大发展,我们这里的田地渐渐减少,取而代之的是鳞次接比的厂房,一座座美丽的厂房就像一座座美丽的大花园,厂房四周那一块块绿油油的草坪象一块块绿色的地毯,花坛里的花儿争奇斗艳、吐露芬芳。晏家可谓是旧貌换新颜!晏家人民真是有着敢叫日月换新天的壮志豪情呀!

  14) 项羽说:“彼可取而代之也。”。

  15) 手镐已被风镐和电钻取而代之。

  16) 倡导计算机教育的人抛弃了这一乐观理念,取而代之的是与他们乐观外表相悖的悲观论调。

  17) 并让你决定哪些应用中应去除或取而代之的是一个不同的亚洲浆纸。

  18) 取而代之的是,乔巴运用他在大联盟当中的投球配额来增强他手臂的强度。

  19) 这款皂皂跟CP玫瑰乳果皂的基底油成份一样,取而代之只是茉莉浸泡橄榄油及茉莉花泡茶。

  20) 经过岁月的洗礼,当年那个天真纯洁的女孩的天真纯洁已荡然无存,取而代之的是自私自利之心。

  21) 我们一直在讲求公平,客观,在讲求不耻下问,然而,百分之九十九点九九九的人根本做不到。取而代之的,是人的顽固不化。

  22) 面对沉重的课税,农民唯一的办法就是揭竿而起,推翻一个封建王朝,然后再由另一个王朝取而代之,如此陷入循环往复的怪圈。

  23) 取而代之的,应采用以轻柴油为燃料的烘炉及开炉系统.

  24) 她粉扑扑的肤色完全消失了,取而代之的是一种完全不属于人类肤色的亮橘色,这样看上去,她好像戴上了一个奇怪的面具。

  25) 取而代之,它们像照相机一样伸缩晶状体.

  26) 没有什么比仇恨更消耗体力,甚至痛苦、疾病、有缘由的烦恼都望尘莫及。因此,一旦仇恨潜入心中,我们应该立即已欢乐的思想取而代之,为有价值的事省下上天赐予我们的宝贵精力。

  27) 十月国庆节,我又去外婆家,此时凤仙花的花瓣都凋落了,取而代之的是,枝上都挂满一个个鼓鼓的对象,爸爸汇报我那是凤仙花的果子,内里有一粒粒的种子。我用手轻轻一捏,果子溘然“爆炸”了,内里的种子像弹片一样。

  28) “握紧双手,里面什么也没有;可是,当你打开双手,世界就在你手中!”当我们终于理解了“舍”的真义,才能将生命活得更充实!因为“舍得”的人生,再也不会被得、失所苦,取而代之的是泰然自在的幸福啊!

  29) 这家工厂经过技术改造,许多传统、落后的旧工艺被先进的新工艺取而代之。

  30) 形象艺术在二十世纪初轰然崩塌,出来一种所谓"抽象艺术"或者"非形象艺术"的东西取而代之,当此之际,西方美学史的败绩昭然若揭。

















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